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Version: 1.0.0


Use this endpoint to submit onetime payments. The merchant account receiving funds is provided in "merchant_account".

Test Cards Information​

Use these following card numbers to test your sandbox integration. P.S: You cannot run live transactions on sandbox environment.

Card BrandCard NumberExpiry DateAmount (in USD)
American Express340000000000009122950
Diners Club36438999960016122950
China Union Pay6250941006528599122950

Payload Parameters​

AttributeTypeDescriptionIs Required
fullNamestringname as it appears on the cardrequired
emailstringcustomer (purchaser) email. Receipts will be sent to this emailoptional
cardnumstringcredit card number without spaces or dashesrequired
cardtypestringcredit card type: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Expressrequired
cardmonthstringcard expiration monthrequired
cardyearstringcard expiration yearrequired
cardcvcstringcard cvvrequired
promocodestringPromo code(for discounts). Must be stored/defined in the system. Please contact support for more details regarding how to use promo codesoptional
product_idstringProduct ID, if merchant has product on our e-commerce page. If none, please enter 999required, default=999
unit_countstringThe unit price will be multiplied by the value of unit_count. By default, the value should be 1required, default=1
unit_pricestringamount of a unit of transaction. The final amount charged is unit_price * unit_countrequired
zipcodestringzip code of the card or customer zip code.required
descriptionstringTransaction derscriptionrequired
memostringTransaction memo. Some clients use this for tracking purposes on Quickbooksoptional
merchant_accountstringMerchant account to who this transaction will be paid torequired
phone_numberstringcustomer phone number to receive transaction receipts tooptional
api_keystringmerchant's paycruiser API keyrequired
tipstringdollar value to add to the final amountoptional


curl --request POST \
--url \
--data '{
"fullName":"Jane Doe",


You should always display payment_status to UI.

"data": {
"fullName": "Ousmane Conde",
"email": "",
"cardnum": "4111111111111111",
"cardtype": "visa",
"cardmonth": "12",
"cardyear": "23",
"cardcvc": "952",
"promocode": "",
"currency_code": "usd",
"product_id": 999,
"unit_count": 1,
"unit_price": "1",
"zipcode": "55116",
"description": "",
"memo": "",
"merchant_account": "PAYCRUISER-SN",
"phone_number": "++15629992511",
"tip": ""
"errors": [],
"status_code": 250,
"payment_status": "SUCCESS! Your payment of 1.00 USD was processed",
"success_message": [
"SUCCESS! Your payment of 1.00 USD was processed",
"Your confirmation Number: 171969",
"1 x 1 USD; Memo: mpos id: 1223; Tip: 0.00 USD"
"confirmation_code": "171969",
"transaction_tag": "4650684582",
"transaction_id": "ET156323"

Transactions Report​

Return the list of all merchant transactions and their status


curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'Authorization: Token <YOUR_TOKEN>'


"count": 437,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": "91a5a764-d84b-459d-bef6-892245d4cb3b",
"is_paid_out": false,
"tag": "6016284342",
"cardholder_name": "Jane Doe",
"card_number": "7234 ***",
"card_type": "MASTERCARD",
"amount": "$69.46",
"transaction_type": "Purchase",
"status": "Approved",
"auth_no": "09310B",
"time": "11/28/2020 19:03:09",
"transaction_datetime": "2020-11-29T03:03:09",
"ref_num": "PAYCRUISER-TEST",
"cust_ref_num": "180715",
"reference_3": null,
"terminal_name": "PAYCRUISER",
"processing_fees": "2.306",
"processing_fees_str": "$ 2.306",
"payout_amount": "67.154",
"payout_amount_str": "$ 67.154",
"payout_status": 2,
"payout_status_str": "Processed",
"payout_record": null
"id": "a8645983-58e3-48fb-8320-ecb7661ad104",
"is_paid_out": false,
"tag": "6016040314",
"cardholder_name": "JOHN DOE",
"card_number": "7133 ***",
"card_type": "VISA",
"amount": "$104.74",
"transaction_type": "Purchase",
"status": "Approved",
"auth_no": "113082",
"time": "11/28/2020 17:38:08",
"transaction_datetime": "2020-11-29T01:38:08",
"ref_num": "PAYCRUISER-TEST",
"cust_ref_num": "222877",
"reference_3": null,
"terminal_name": "PAYCRUISER",
"processing_fees": "3.223",
"processing_fees_str": "$ 3.223",
"payout_amount": "101.517",
"payout_amount_str": "$ 101.517",
"payout_status": 2,
"payout_status_str": "Processed",
"payout_record": null }, ... ] }

Transaction Detail​

Ruturns a single transaction details


curl --request GET \
--url '<YOUR-MERCHANT-ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Token <YOUR_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'


"id": "dd914aea-720c-4ecb-8200-f8aaf46ce103",
"is_paid_out": false,
"tag": "5891626177",
"cardholder_name": "JANE D DOE",
"card_number": "7234 ***",
"card_type": "VISA",
"amount": "$56.23",
"transaction_type": "Purchase",
"status": "Approved",
"auth_no": "134548",
"time": "10/24/2020 16:44:41",
"transaction_datetime": "2020-10-24T23:44:41",
"ref_num": "PAYCRUISER-TEST",
"cust_ref_num": "190232",
"reference_3": null,
"terminal_name": "PAYCRUISER",
"processing_fees": "1.962",
"processing_fees_str": "$ 1.962",
"payout_amount": "54.268",
"payout_amount_str": "$ 54.268",
"payout_status": 2,
"payout_status_str": "Processed",
"payout_record": null

Void Or Refund Transaction​

To process refunds, you need to

  1. Have the refund feature enabled on your account. If this is not the case, please contact support at and request activation
  2. Search the transaction you need to refund. Please note, you can only search by transaction_tag and transaction_id


curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'Authorization: Token <YOUR_TOKEN>'


"count": 1,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": "c5dd75a3-506f-4b77-b4ec-78497b0cbe0d",
"created_at": "2021-08-27T05:56:13.360412Z",
"updated_on": "2021-08-27T05:56:13.379153Z",
"total_amount_in_cents": "100",
"total_amount_USD": "1.00",
"tip_amount": "0.00",
"tipped_user": null,
"card_type": "visa",
"card_number": "4111 ****",
"card_cvv": "9",
"card_expiry": "12",
"full_name": "Ousmane Conde",
"ref_customer": "163609",
"ref_merchant": "PayCruiser-SN",
"description": "1 x 1 USD; Memo: mpos id: 1223; Tip: 0.00 USD",
"memo": "mpos id: 1223",
"email": "",
"zipcode": "55116",
"unit_count": "1",
"promocode": "NONE",
"phone_number": "",
"resp_correlation_id": "134.3004377289767",
"resp_transaction_status": "approved",
"resp_validation_status": "success",
"resp_transaction_type": "purchase",
"resp_transaction_id": "ET128985",
"resp_transaction_tag": "4650744783",
"resp_method": "credit_card",
"resp_amount": "100",
"resp_currency": "USD",
"resp_cvv2": null,
"resp_card_type": "visa",
"resp_cardholder_name": "Ousmane Conde",
"resp_card_number": "1111",
"resp_exp_date": "1223",
"resp_bank_resp_code": "100",
"resp_bank_message": "Approved",
"resp_gateway_resp_code": "00",
"resp_gateway_message": "Transaction Normal",
"resp_error_msg": null
  1. Grab the values for keys(id,resp_transaction_id and resp_transaction_tag) of the transaction returned
  2. Process the refund


curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost/merchant/paycruiser-transactions/<id>/refund/ \
--header 'Authorization: Token <YOUR_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"merchant_ref": "<Your merchant name or the merchant-name of your sub-merchant you are processing this transaction for>",
"transaction_id":"ET128985", # This is resp_transaction_id
"transaction_tag": "4650744783", # this is resp_transaction_tag
"transaction_type": "void", # "refund" if you would like to process refund instead. You can only void same day transactions
"method": "credit_card",
"amount": "100",
"currency_code": "USD"


"correlation_id": "134.3004427469539",
"transaction_status": "approved",
"validation_status": "success",
"transaction_type": "refund",
"transaction_id": "RETURN",
"transaction_tag": "4650747768",
"method": "credit_card",
"amount": "100",
"currency": "USD",
"bank_resp_code": "100",
"bank_message": "Approved",
"gateway_resp_code": "00",
"gateway_message": "Transaction Normal",
"retrieval_ref_no": "210826",
"tokenized_card_number": "7818177350131111",
"is_success": 1